New Toys

April 05, 2017  •  1 Comment

While I have not been able to do as much photography as I would like to lately, I have done some upgrading of equipment and getting some new stuff to play with.

I have recently  upgraded my camera body to a Canon 5d Mk4.  It shoots at 7 FPS, which is perfect for wave shooting. 

Here are some recent shots taken with the new body

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The other new toy that I picked up was the GoPro Karma drone.  I have been waiting to purchase a drone until this came out.  Not that the Karma has all the functions of some of the other drones, but the versatility of the Karma is why I chose it.  The fact that it uses a GoPro (Black 5) and I can take it right from the air, to put on my housing and into the water makes it just what I wanted / needed.  Also the fact that the Black 5 shoots in RAW makes it much better to editing photos.  Here are a couple of examples so far:

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I hope you enjoyed these new images, and would love to know what you think down in the comments section..

Just in case you haven't already, you can also signup for my mailing list.  You only get one email a week, which will include an image not previously released as well as discounts only available via the mailing list.  Click HERE to signup

Where the hell...

October 24, 2016  •  1 Comment

So it has been some time since my last post here...

As I have said before, life sometimes gets in the way of my passion for photography.  That is what led me to this latest extend time away from the blog.  As some of you know, I moved to the Tampa Florida area back in June.  Since then, it has been about adjusting to my new area, my kids new schools, working remotely for a company in California, and the list goes on and on.  

I have, however gotten my camera back in gear and have started to explore my new surroundings, and I have to say, I am really liking it.  The waves are not like I had in Southern California, but that just give me the opportunity to try new things and have fun playing with landscapes.  Here are just a few images that I have taken in Central Florida...

I created the above image at a place I just randomly saw on my way to my father-in-laws house.

Here a view from outside my front door..

By far the most difficult thing about this move has been finding waves in the Gulf.  I have been lucky so far, but you really need to search for them here.  

I hope you enjoyed a look at some of the images I have taken so far here in Florida.  You can see more daily images on my Florida feed on Instagram (@Ronald.Hons).

People too..

May 04, 2016  •  1 Comment

While most of my work that is posted on my site and throughout my social media highlights landscape, wave and sunsets, I do also do a lot of portrait work.  

I have done a few portrait shoots that I would wanted to highlight.  Depending on what the client wants, I do still like to incorporate both water and landscape into my shoots.  Living on the coast, you really can't help not to.  Here are some of my favorites from recent portrait shoots...

The first couple of shots were from a SR portrait shoot that I did.  The client really wanted to be have a nature / beach feel to the images.


The next shoot was for a bikini company...

This shoot was for a fitness blogger to use for her website and social media outlets.  

This shoot (my most recent one) was for a yoga teacher who is blogging for the SUP paddle board company she is working with.


I hope you enjoyed these images.  

If you liked the look and feel of these you can always book a shoot with me by emailing me at [email protected].

You can also view more of my portrait work in my FACES gallery.

Follow me on Instagram where I post a good majority of my work (@Ronald.Hons).  I have recently started a new feed there (formerly @hons24)

Beauty from above

February 18, 2016  •  1 Comment

Well... that was a bit of a break.. 

Life has been a bit busy for me since the summer.  My normal 9-5 got super demanding and baby #2 arrived.  But, I am back and hope to be able share more of my recent shots since then.  

First, lets start back with a shoot I did from the air.  I went up during sunset during a fall night in San Diego and was able to come away with some images that I was very happy with.  It actually spawned a new gallery on my site.. 

Take a look:

As stated above, I started a new gallery for my aerial photos.  Go to:

I would love to know what you think in the comments section.


4th of July

July 20, 2015  •  1 Comment

As the day went on this past 4th of July, my wife wanted less and less to go out and deal with the crowds to watch the fireworks in San Diego.

So stayed home, I went to one of my favorite spots on the cliffs in La Jolla to get some shots of the fireworks…

Here is what I came away with..

While it was cloudy all day, the sun did manage to peak out for the last few mins...

A little 60 sec exposure before the light show started...

These were not the fireworks I came out to get, but I did like these much more than the actual La Jolla show.

Here is a closer shot of the fireworks that were going off on Mission Bay.

I was a little sad that I didn't have my 300mm with me for these shots...

Hope you enjoyed these.  More blog posts coming soon.



More time in the OC

May 14, 2015  •  2 Comments

A few weeks ago, I had to spend two days in Orange County for my normal job.  My meetings didn't start until 9:30 on the first day, so I left my house very early, so I could get in a sunrise session prior to my first meeting.  I stopped in Laguna and spent about 2 hours in the water.. Here are some of the shots I took that morning:

That night, I stayed in Newport specifically so I could go and shoot at the Wedge in the morning.  I got up, hit the treadmil at 5am and was then at the beach and in the water by 6:15.  One of my better sessions at the Wedge.  I didn't use my flash, but I did use my 17-40 lens, a lot of the time at 40mm.  Here is what I came away with:

I really liked the angle on this one..

I hope you enjoyed...








Birthday Waves

May 11, 2015  •  1 Comment

I rarely get out in the water when it is raining.  I also rarely get out in the water on my birthday.  I made a huge mistake last year where I looked outside, saw it was a gloomy rainy morning, and said Nah.  I am going to stay home.  The next day I saw what I missed, which was the one of the biggest swells to hit La Jolla Cove in a couple of decades.  

This year didn't have that kind of swell, but it did rain all morning long.  Not hard, but consistent.  I knew I wasn't going to get in water for a couple of weeks so I thought I would make the most of the situation. 

My buddy, photographer Jeff Vasko and I met and checked a couple of spots.  We settled on Marine St in La Jolla.  It is one of our favorite spots and we were the only ones out because of the rain.  I was playing with different shutter speeds, different zooms and mostly trying to catch water bouncing off the ocean...

Here is what I came away with:

These are some of my favorite types of shots.. I will tell you even though these are smaller waves, I take a bit of a beating gettng them...

Its always fun to play with shutter speeds...


The textues that the rains create on the water were awesome!


This was one of my favorite shots.  I was able to get the drop perfectly in focus!

My focus was on point on this wave.  I loved all the texture on this wave.


I know gloomy waves are not the as pretty to look at as waves with perfect sunshine, but it is always good to change things up..

A Day in the OC

April 16, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

About a month ago, the waves in La Jolla just died off.  There was just nothing.  Normally I can go out and find something to try and get creative, but there was just nothing…

So me and a buddy, photographer Jeff Vasko, decided to take a ride up to Laguna Beach to do some shooting.  The morning was cold and gray, but the waves were pretty good so it made it okay..

After we were done in Laguna, I had heard the Wedge was hitting at a pretty good size, so I decided to make my way up there.  There was a lot of water moving around and at least 100 people in the water between Wedge and Cylinders.  I did some shooting with my 300mm from the jetty and liked what I came away with…

From the Wedge...

This shot had nearly 40K views on

I hope you enjoyed this look from the Wedge Jetty.  Take at more in my recents gallery. 

Costa Rica

March 26, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I recently took a trip with the family to the beautiful country of Costa Rica.  We were there for 12 days, going to five different locations within the country.  Some of the area’s that we traveled to were:

Tortuguero which is located in the Costa Rican rain forest.  This was so off the beaten path that the only way in was by boat or by plane. 

We then went on to Arenal and stayed at one of the spas below the Arenal volcano.  After trekking through the rain forest, this was a nice change of pace. 

After Arenal, we then went on to Monteverde.  This was one of my favorite places.  The hanging bridges in the cloud forest was by far my favorite places that we went. 

Lastly, we ended our trip in the beautiful beach town of Manuel Antonio.  This was a nice relaxing place to end our trip with warm pacific water and calendar quality sunsets. 

Here are some of the images that I took while in this wonderful country.. I hope you enjoy!

We were on the boat going towards the our hotel in Tortuguero and I looked back and saw a few mini waves breaking...

A 3 toed Sloth just hanging out...

This was the view walking down to the lobby at the spa we stayed at in Arenal.

The hanging bridges in the cloud forest lived up to the hype..

The beach at the end of the hike in the Manuel Antonio national park.  Kinda like the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

This was the view from our hotel in Manuel Antonio

Who me?  These guys were all over the place everywhere we went in Costa Rica.

I hope you enjoyed these images.  All images as well as those in my Costa Rica gallery are avaliable for print purchase.  I would love to know what you think of the shot, so please feel free to comment!

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