First light....Best light

May 10, 2013  •  Leave a Comment


As some of you who have followed my work for a while will know….my favorite time to shoot is sunrise.  Being in the water as the sun comes up is the best.  More so during the winter months in my opinion. 

While the mornings are colder, and so is the water, winter does keep a lot of things out of my way.  First thing it keeps out is the pesky marine layer.  There much few gloomy mornings during the winter then during the spring and summer.  The second thing it keeps out is kooks… 50 degree water is really the great equalizer for those “surf photographers” who want to bring out their shiny new GoPro’s or DSLR’s and come get in the waves… Don’t get me wrong… I am all for people following their passion and am very accepting of all types of photogs and surfers in the water… just not when you step into my zone when the sole intention of trying to get in my shot…Which happens more than you would think… 

Winter does bring one thing that is GREAT.  Epic Swells… Winter swells are some of the most powerful that will hit the SoCal shores all year….there have been more than a few times where I have finished a session and felt like I just went a round with Mike Tyson…  Anywho...enough of my rambling…here are some pics from one of my last morning sessions…. 














































Prepare for duck diving in 3...2...1..














Nothing wrong with a little over / under..













Timing and placement... Check!


























The Crystal caverns....













I love the times I can get a view of a barrel from inside the barrel...







Hope you enjoyed these...You can see the high res as well as many others from this day in my Recents from SoCal Gallery...


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