The Wedge..In all it's glory

July 10, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

The first good South Swell of the summer hit the coast of Southern California this past weekend.  It didn’t disappoint those who were on the coast to witness it in Newport were treated to a wonderful show…


I woke up at 3 am on Sunday morning to make the trip up to The Wedge to be there before sunrise.  When I got there at 4:50am it was still pitch black out.  I open the door to my car to walk down to the beach, and for those who have never been to The Wedge, the street is a good 300-400 yards away from the beach, and can hear the waves break clear as day.  When you hear that, you know it’s big..

After walking down to check the surf, then going back to get in my car to get ready, I head back down to the beach.  Housing (w/ flash) in hand.  I get in the water and notice immediately that the current was strong… Stronger than I have felt in a long time.  That coupled with how steep the beach was with all the water rushing back from the waves that just broke, and it was making it very difficult for me to stay in the position that I wanted to be in… 


After getting tossed up the beach more times in an hour than I have in the last 2 years, I realized that Sunday was not my day.  So, I changed out of my water gear and headed back to the beach.  I was really happy though with the stuff I got from land…  Hope you enjoy..

This was one of the only shots I got from the water that was worth keeping...

This shot currently has more than 10K in views on

You can see more from this day on my Surfline Local Pro profile.  








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