Heavy Windansea

January 10, 2013  •  Leave a Comment


As many of you know, it is no secret that my favorite place to shoot shore break in San Diego is at Windansea Beach in La Jolla.  I thought I had seen all that, that beach had to offer as far as shore break.  I was wrong! 

Let me back up first.  I woke up last Saturday morning to do more of the sunrise shooting.  I had planned to shoot with Phil Gibbs again up in North County.  However, when I got there, right before sunrise, it was flat and washed out.  Not good conditions for what I wanted to do.  So I jumped in the car and headed back to La Jolla.  When I finally got down there, I thought to myself I should have come here first. 

Once I got in, there were two things that I noticed right away…

1.       The water was as cold as I can ever remember. 

2.       It was not a normal day of waves.  They were Heavy. 

I have been shooting the shore break for a little over a year and have gotten pretty good about the position that I need to be in for the shot I want without taking too much of a beating.  On Saturday though…I was got tossed like a doll more than I ever have.  It felt more like a Wedge wave rather than Windansea.  I spent 3 hours in the water getting shots and later that afternoon feeling like I went a couple of rounds with Tyson.  It is all in good fun though.  When you go back and look at the camera, you can’t help at thinking, I can’t wait to get back in…





On my way back to La Jolla, I had to stop at Swami's to snap this with my iPhone..





















You can see how much power was in the waves.  The brown part at the bottom of the wave is the sand being sucked up from the ocean floor.  








There were a couple of clear glassy ones too...










One of my last waves had a nice backwash flare coming off the lip...







You can see more in the featured section on my website from last weekend as well as the previous weekend.

Hope you enjoy!


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