Worth it

September 11, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

As many of you who follow my work know, I have been making my trips to Newport’s famed shore break wave (The Wedge) a more frequent occurrence the closer my trip to the North Shore gets.  Each and every time however that I have gone up in the past couple of months, the waves have been good, but there is never really good light.

My last trip however, I was rewarded.  It was as if the surf gods said… “Since you have been so committed to come all this way…we will give something back..”

What I got back was about an hour window of one of the best sunrises I have seen in a long time.  Here are those shots from one of my favorite sessions in a long time…






In the water by 6 am when the sun is supposed to come up at 6:20













My rig tends to get a little off angle in waves that are as heavy as this...


















A little two shot sequence (above)







I really liked everything about this one..












Looking north before sunrise..













Another monster as the sun is coming up.. If you look, you can see famed Wave photographer Robbie Crawford getting the shot too.











Deep in it..













Walling up and frothing over..













I say it a lot...First light is the Best light!













Here is another monster about to break













One of the things I dislike about the flash is the motion you get...More so when you don't want it..It might be user error, but this a journey, so I will look to figure it out..












I love my hobby...












This is one of the images that I think best illustrates how awesome the sunrise was on this day..













Turned off the flash...If you look where the wave is breaking, you can see Stan Moniz about to get the shot











A very narrow barrel on this wave...














Looking north again...after the sun was out...












I just liked this one...














Surrounding the sun....













I turned the flash back on for a couple of other waves...I called this one the "Confetti Barrel"











After getting out of the water I remember thinking I couldn't wait to see this wave...This was the last click of what SHOULD have been and epic sequence...






Hope you enjoyed these shots...While I feel some are good, I have saved the best from this shoot to be released later...  I will put out another post once those are out on my site..









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