Under the Sea

August 03, 2012  •  2 Comments


While I have not been able to get out and shoot all that much the last couple of weeks…when I do, I have been working very hard on the underwater wave shots.

This is a very cool, mostly unseen perspective that 99% of people never see.  While I have spent a few weeks on trying to capture these underwater waves, I have found that this is EXSTREAMLY HARD to do.  You have to have nice clear skies, the right light and more importantly, good clear water, which is very difficult to find in SoCal sometimes… That being said…I remember saying the same thing to myself when I first start shooting empty waves from in the water.  Not only that, but when you get that ONE picture that everything comes together…the weeks and thousands of shots you had to take to get that one all fade away…

Here are a few that I would label “OK” as I delve into this.  Hope you enjoy!



















This is probably my favorite shot from under the water, however the stupid sea grass wanted to get right in the way...

























I do like trying to get the "Half and Half" too...


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